Welcome Sister.

Empower Your Feminine Essence: Cultivate Connection, Joy, and Love

It is time for you to reclaim your inner joy!

Are you tinkering on the edge of burn out? Often feel sad, like there is a disconnect somewhere but not sure what to do about it? You have come to the right place.


I’m Clare, a feminine-centred wellbeing expert and ‘soulpreneur’ with a passion for enabling women to tap into their hearts’ desires and reach their fullest potential..

Through a blend of the spiritual, sensual and some super sexy science too - I am here as your guide to help you gain all the knowledge and experience you need to feel empowered to understand and communicate your needs and desires with confidence.

“Clare has a wealth of knowledge which she shared with passion and generosity. I learnt so much about how to interpret and progress parts of my life where I felt emotionally and physically unfulfilled.” - Sophie


You can choose how we work together from online group or 1:1 mentoring programmes and workshops to in-person mentoring, sisterhood retreats, healing treatments and more. I provide a nurturing environment and the knowledge and support you need to become confident in your body, your needs and your hearts desires. 


Once you have rebuilt your connection with yourself, your intuition and feelings, you will be able to open the door to physical, emotional and spiritual inner resources. Finding ease and harmony within yourself is one of the most self-empowering steps you can take – honouring yourself fully as a woman.

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My three pillars of expertise:

  • Understanding and harmonising with your cyclical nature.

  • Gaining a life balance between being in your feminine and masculine energy.

  • Education around your sacred sexuality and unique pleasure pathways.

I weave these into all my packages. See the most current options below for how we can start working together…


My Services


Return to Wholeness Treatment

Mon-Thursday visit Clare at beautiful retreat centre The Quaives in Kent for a unique 2hr+ wellness package which is a combination of Clare’s favourite healing modalities - Gentle Movement, Ayurvedic Massage and Yoga Nidra with Sound Healing.

The intention of this treatment package is to bring you back home to yourself and retrieve parts of you that have been lost so you can return to life in resonance with your true essential nature of love, peace and harmony within.


Sisterhood Gatherings

These are my signature offerings at The Quaives Countryside Retreat. A sacred time for healing, rejuvenation, connecting with like-minded souls, receiving yourself with compassion and returning to the world centred and in touch with yourself on a deeper level. I am also available to host bespoke retreats for private bookings and special occasions.

All women are welcome at all stages of womanhood.


8-12 Week Feminine Empowerment Mentorship

Receive the education and support you never had and be fully held in a loving, safe container as I guide you on a journey of self-discovery and remembrance of your true power.

This programme provides you with the knowledge and tools to enable you to feel empowered, happy and well.


Ad hoc / Rolling Monthly Guidance Sessions

These bespoke mentoring sessions are a confidential space for you to offload, seek insightful and expert guidance at times when you may feel like you need a little extra support. Choose from one-off sessions or a rolling monthly package.

“Clare’s mentoring sessions have been life changing!”


Sensual Awakening

These FREE bi-weekly online sessions are an invitation to re-awaken and connect with your divine feminine energy through a 40 minute practise of sensual dance, breath work and empowering affirmations.

Release the build up of daily tensions and find your way back home to your true essence.


Bed Yoga Video Series

Access anywhere, anytime some easy to follow classes to practise in the comfort of your bed or anywhere you find yourself at an opportune moment for some me-time.

These sessions are an invitation for you to feel good, relaxed and connected with yourself.


Client love

Upcoming events.